![Diferentes formatos de archivos pdf xml etcetera](images/tab1.jpg)
Obligation upon request, includes the annex of electronic vouchers to each of its accounting Policies, with the ability to read, verify and validate the registration document.
![Catálogos de cuentas contables](images/tab2.jpg)
Initial obligation and whenever new bills are generated, updated catalog records its accounts and generate whenever required.
![Generar balanza de comprobación para enviar al SAT](images/tab3.jpg)
Instant generation of Trial Balance, with the list of all balances, debtors and creditors of all ledger accounts to check for equality.
![Check de declaraciones del SAT](images/tab4.jpg)
Generation of pages of tax receipts when they can not be integrated into the policies.
![Cumplimiento de presentación de Auxiliar contable](images/tab5.jpg)
Required for express shipping type auxiliary account or sub-account
![Transferencia de informacion entre sistemas](images/tab6.jpg)
Custom Exhibits
Programming interface to import your catalog of accounts and suppliers.
The CGA interface module transfers the accounting information from your corporate ERP in practice and effectively.
Oracle / Interface